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Sorry to be nosey, but what is the thing that works best for this condition that you use, or do. Thanks I appreciate it.

  1. Hi Ruckus,
    Thanks for reaching out.
    As we wait for others to chime in on what makes a difference for them, it's important to note that the symptoms and severity of the disease can vary widely between each individual. The type of treatment your doctor recommends will depend on whether your symptoms are mild, moderate, or severe, and what part of the body is affected.
    I thought I'd share this article that may provide some additional information:
    All my best, Doreen (Team Member)

    1. I am 71 years old. My lupus has carried me on along road. You need to see your Dr's and keep up with your journey, to know where you are. Because so much changes as you go. So many changes. But hang it there. Sending love and prayers.

      1. ,
        Thank you for sharing your experience and encouraging words of advice.
        ~Doreen (Team Member)

    2. Give yourself permission to do absolutely nothing on days when your having a flare up.

      1. , Love this tip! Thanks for sharing đź’ś
        Gabby (team member)

    3. I would began journaling my every day. It takes you knowing your body to educate these doctors. You must advocate for yourself.

      1. , This is such a great reminder. It can be difficult to remember everything that's been happening to your body in those brief face-to-face moments with doctors. For folks who may not know where to start with journaling, we have a free downloadable symptom tracker: That can be a good place to start! Thanks for sharing this reminder!
        Gabby (team member)

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